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Friday 4 October 2013

Daisy Dukes and Dope Accessories

Hey anyone left reading :-) sorry for the rather extended hiatus, I'm doing a bit of blogging on the side more for work purposes and when I get home all I wanna do is snuggle up with my bubba's! The benefits of having a job that involves perusing the internet all day means I get to look at loads of shamaze fashion but the downsides are that I now have lists upon lists of things I wish, want and need in my life...damn you Polyvore! Gotta admit I've become a bit of a polyvore junkie, I love it and I'm so envious of some of the amazing fashion sets people put together on there. Well, if you can't beat them, join them I say and the creation of this little outfit came together, hope you like.

Meanwhile, I have now created a Tumblr blog in the midst of my absence from idea why I didn't do it sooner as it is such a great source of inspiration, dreamy pictures, arty celeb pictures and wise words. I have a little button to the right of the page where you can click through to my Tumblr blog or click the link above. In other news, it's my daughter's 2nd birthday next week *cry* I know it's a big cliche to say, but it goes way too fast...and I'm a little overwhelmed, she's a really funny, little human being and I love her cheery self so much!

I'd love it if you dropped me a comment, should I do more style posts?
Let me know what you think, 


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