I thought that now is probably a really good time to give my current eye cream a full review seeing as I have been using it for well over a month now. I'll be completely honest here in stating that I am no eye cream guru and I have only tried around 2-3 eye creams in my entire life. My poor peepers were neglected for many years until I really got into caring about skincare and the consequences of getting old! Nowadays, I feel almost guilty if I haven't used eye cream.
on my genes, it is more than likely that
my eyes will age more so than the rest of my face. I already have quite
dark shadows under my eyes purely from lack of sleep and going off
family history, I will probably end up getting quite a bit of puffiness
around the eye area. When I spotted this award winning eye cream in an
Avon brochure, naturally I wanted it and luckily my mum overheard and
got me this for Christmas. Come Christmas time I was absolutely scraping
the barrel of my Clinique All About the Eyes sample so this was a much
needed and wanted gift (thanks mum!).
Not gonna lie, I was using this all wrong the first couple of days but I was still amazed by the results it had gave me. The product comes in the form of an upper eye gel and an undereye cream but I had been applying the cream to my undereye and eylid area, whilst only applying the gel to my browbone. However, I think you are actually supposed to just apply the cream under the eye. Regardless of my error, I noticed that the skin had significantly lifted and it appeared as though I had more eyelid than before (very technical explanation there, I know). This is something I have been longing for since I started experimenting with eyeshadow because no matter how brilliant I make my eyeshadow look, it always seems to be hidden due to the skin above my lid potruding over my eyelid and my small eyelids furthermore do not help! I also prefer to dab on eye creams unless I'm in a rush and I find that everything sinks in fairly quickly, something I definitely wasn't expecting from the gel half of the product. Just to note, the gel feels quite sticky when first applied but the tackiness completely disappears once it has sunk in.
Clearly, this isn't like your standard one step eye cream product and as much as my can't be arsed self thought I would really hate this concept, I actually don't in the slightest. In fact, it's safe to say I positively look forward to this step in my skincare routine. This retails at £19.50 in the UK which I'd say is very reasonably priced considering how good this product is and I will most definitely be repurchasing.
To sum it up, this little tub of wonder does exactly what it says on the front i.e. lifts your eye, and I would highly recommend it to anyone seeking out a new eye cream.
Available from: Avon for £19.50, currently on offer for £9.99!
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